Redesign of Ptasie Mleczko® 2020


Redesign of Ptasie Mleczko® 2020

E. Wedel has forever entered the history of Polish creative graphics. In 1926 Jan Wedel invited Leonetto Capiello, a popular poster artist called the "father of modern advertising" to create a modern symbol of the company. To continue this tradition, we invited young illustrators to cooperate with us, who helped us refresh the image of marshmallows covered in chocolate well-known by Poles for generations.
In 2020 E.Wedel chocolates and Ptasie Mleczko® marshamallows has undergone a real metamorphosis. The changed design emphasizes the appetizing of Wedel products and encourages you to reach for chocolate delicacies. The packaging has gained new colors and heroes, characters of a boy and a zebra, who represent various moments of everyday pleasure.